
Returns the PageMaker internal ID for the story containing the insertion point, and gets the starting and ending position of the selected text (or the location of the insertion point if no text is selected).

Query results

long nStoryID;
Internal PageMaker identifier for story
long nBegin;
Starting location for text selection in characters from the beginning of the story (0 indicates that the insertion point is positioned immediately before the first character in the story)
long nEnd;
Ending location of text selection in characters from the beginning of the story
No text selected. If no text is selected (but the text contains an insertion point), then nBegin and nEnd are the same. However, if the story is empty, nStoryID, nBegin, and nEnd are null. PageMaker does not recognize a story unless it contains at least one character.

Selection direction is irrelevant. The direction in which the cursor was dragged to select text is irrelevant. The value of nBegin is always smaller than or equal to nEnd.

Non-printing characters included. The values for nBegin and nEnd include inline graphics and non-printing characters (such as index markers, tabs, and returns).

See also

The PTextSelect command

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